September is the month that you really start to notice the change of seasons here. Trees are changing colour, leaves are falling, daylight is shortening and of course the weather makes itself known a lot more! I’ve had my fair share of slogs back and fore to work recently but you start to accept them after a while and just enjoy what you can. For example a pouring wet day led to fields getting flooded and the next morning I had a beautiful still ride to work, passing the above scene on my way.

September was another full month for me, with no holidays, so the commuting mileage was quite high. A few extra rides with my kids gave me a little boost. So much so that for a while I thought I might make it to the 1,000 mile mark for the month. Unfortunately I came up just short at 962 miles. The last weekend of Sep was horrendously wet, so I had no inclination to get out and ride. 

It’s good to keep as a target in the background for when I next get a chance!


The Sep Heatflask image has some of the same shape as usual for me but is slightly modified as I went exploring new routes. One of these I was really enjoying using, which was along the shoreline on the North side of Edinburgh. There is a beautiful 2.5 mile path there for walkers, runners and cyclists. It’s nice and wide and really flat. I’m not sure I’ll enjoy it so much in the deep of winter but for now its a welcome addition to the commute (check out the image at the bottom of the page for how nice this can be).

September Stats

Statistics for the month of Sep are shown below. As mentioned above 962 miles was the total, so close to the 1,000 again:

Days Commuted: 21
Distance Travelled: 962 miles
Elevation: 37,716 ft
Time: 66h 58min
Bikes used: 1

Again it has been a very cheap month on the bike. I treated myself to a new commuting jersey since costs had been so low. In addition a couple of small replacement parts were needed to keep me running smoothly: gear cable and brake pads.

Head over to my How Much? page for the latest commuting cost comparison.

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