Simple Sep
September is the month that you really start to notice the change of seasons here. Trees are changing colour, leaves are falling, daylight is shortening and of course the weather makes itself known a lot more!
September is the month that you really start to notice the change of seasons here. Trees are changing colour, leaves are falling, daylight is shortening and of course the weather makes itself known a lot more!
Records are there to be broken. Although I will never threaten to break anything significant on a world scale, it is always good to keep track of your own personal achievements. Looking back at August I have achieved my highest ever monthly mileage on the bike. I’m not entirely sure how that happened as we…
Back to the Grind The commute is well and truly under way again after my July holiday and I’m glad to say it is as enjoyable as ever. Thankfully I wasn’t too indulgent while off so am not carrying any excess baggage from it! I managed to get to work every day for the first…
Wow! – 2019 is officially past the half way point! It has also ended really well with a hint of summer finally arriving. Those cold dark winter mornings are a distant memory and getting geared up in just a pair of shorts and t-shirt is awesome! Finger’s crossed for more improvements in July… June Heatflask My…
April Heatflask April is complete. April was a good month. Not only did I have a holiday in the middle of it but the weather made the commutes even more joyous than usual. The holiday meant that less mileage was completed but I don’t remember getting wet very often, the wind was quite tame and…
March commutes are now complete and it was another full month of riding. I think it’s safe to assume that the threat of snow and ice has now passed. My winter commuting gear will soon be getting boxed up and put away until Oct/Nov time. I might even look at replacing some of it if…
Another month has passed and the cycle commute is well under way now this year. 8 full weeks have gone in 2019 and most of it has been an absolute pleasure. The winter has been very kind so far, with only cold temperatures to deal with and the occasional high wind. Also, as a bonus…