Dave Wilcock

Dave Wilcock About I’m Dave Wilcock and I’m a Pro Commuter I will ride in any weather How long have you been cycle commuting? I didn’t learn to drive till I was 26 so since about 21 I was commuting by bike or on foot. When I moved jobs 11 miles away from home I

Chris Robert

About Avid soccer player when young; teacher for over 30 years; last year cycled over 15,000 km, most of it commuting, some of it commuting in a Canadian winter! How long have you been cycle commuting? Around 10 years. My knees and legs couldn’t handle soccer any longer. I love to be active, and care

Scott Sheridan

About I’m a Professor in the Department of Geography at Kent State University. I’m originally from near New York City, so city riding has always been in my blood, and I’ve lived in Ohio for 20 years. As my research involves climate change, I’m eager to help promote bike commutes and bike infrastructure, and make

Duncan Hamilton

About 43 year old IT Salesman from Brighton, England. A lifelong cyclist, former motorcyclist, and was once a lorry driver (a long time ago). How long have you been cycle commuting? I got a vague start in cycle commuting about five years ago. It started when I got a Brompton on the C2W scheme as

Richard Jones

About Englishman from Congleton in Cheshire. I love most sports including football and cycling of course! Work in IT. How long have you been cycle commuting? Since May 2019, and have been doing this on and off throughout the year! I started following CycleCommute.CC on Instagram and was inspired a lot by how Iain commutes

Daniel Grunberg

About I’m originally from Germany but now reside in California, Maryland. I love cycling to work every time I get the opportunity! As a father of 3 and husband, heading to the gym or going for long Saturday rides are not always possible. Commuting has given me the ability to exercise without trying to chisel

Aditya Malpani

About I am a passionate engineer come manager who has enthusiasm in cycling, swimming and scuba diving. I live and commute in Bangalore, India. How long have you been cycle commuting? I have been cycle commuting regularly for work for the past 2.5 years. Back in my university, we were not allowed to have powered

Daniel “Iroh” O

About My name is Daniel. I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria but now I live in Cincinnati, USA. Currently I work as an IT personnel in a warehouse belonging to a business conglomerate in a small town across the border in another state – more on that later. My cycling history can be divided into