Me in a paddling pool
Cooling off after an unusually hot ride!

This blog was started after some encouragement by work colleagues and family members to share and document my efforts at commuting by bicycle every working day for a full calendar year . Assuming I don’t miss any it will amount to 220 days of 35 miles each, making a grand total of 7,700 miles. The odd extended commute, leisure ride or spin with the kids should take me over the 8,000 mile target.

Hopefully it will provide some insight into what it is like; the struggles and successes, the pain and pleasure, as well as hints and tips on gear and maintenance. Perhaps it will even encourage others to ditch the car and get out onto 2 wheels for themselves!

Who am I?

I am a father of 4 great kids and husband to a beautiful and patient wife. We live in a new town outside of Edinburgh called Livingston and I work for an engineering company in the north of the City. I first started cycling the 17.5 miles to and from work in 2013 after getting sick fed up of being stuck in endless traffic jams. Very quickly I fell in love with it and instead of dreading the drive to and from work I couldn’t wait to get out and spin those pedals.

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