Moon at night

The Sound of Silence

“Hello darkness, my old friend…” The days are getting noticeably longer now, but today I was late in leaving the office so returned to cycling home in the dark. There is something somewhat magical about riding in the dark though so I didn’t mind too much. This is especially true when travelling along deserted country

Optimistic bulbs


There comes a point in the year when I really start to long for the winter to end. Almost certainly I won’t be alone in feeling like that! I think I’ve reached that point now. The dark mornings are taking their toll, the wind has definitely been draining my legs, and even though we’ve been

Seconds Out

Although I totally love the cycle commute there are times when it feels like every day is a battle. This week has definitely been a bit like that. There has been a mix of cold icy mornings at the start of the week with stormy, wet weather almost every day. After stormย Erikย in February and Freya

raspberry peanut butter bar


If you are anything like me you will know how important good food is: It helps to keep you supplied with energy; It provides the body with all the nutrients it needs; It can taste amazing; It gives the brain a boost. All the above are crucial, but perhaps just as importantly to get me

Beautiful sunrise

R.I.P. Volt

It was a sad journey home tonight. Not because of any bad weather (it was a bit windy but nothing too bad). Not even because of any idiot drivers (they were mostly very well behaved). No, I was downcast because I had to say farewell to my trusty front light which had been my reliable

Mr Mercedes


In my post earlier this week (see Determination) I talked about determination and asked if this was an essential attribute for continual cycle commuting. Although it is useful I would say a far more important attribute is vigilance. Sharing the road with other vehicles is normally completely fine, but sadly there are a minority of drivers

Box full of gloves

Predictably Unpredictable

You would think that after years of commuting I would be able to get my clothing choices correct by now. Most days itโ€™s fine but sometimes I am too warm on the return journey home. However, one day this week I had the complete reversal of this.