Happiness is: Cycle Commuting

The blog has been very quiet for the past while (18 months since the last post!). I am glad to announce that I’m alive and well and still riding my bike as much as possible! My office is still in the same place although the need to attend in person does not happen very often these days. Mostly I work from home and go in when meetings require it or lab / debug work is needed.

The benefits of WFH are many and with an active family life it has proved invaluable. However, I have to admit, the regular commute route is one that I really miss. It gives me a huge dose of excitement and a massive grin on my face when I do attend the office.

CycleCommute.CC Selfie

Happiness is: Riding Your Bike

Despite not commuting to my office on a regular basis, I do maintain the habit of riding every day in some for of “virtual” commute. This consists of 1 to 2 hours before work, depending on whether there is a school run and how early I can drag myself out of bed! If the weather is nice I sometimes squeeze another ride in during lunch break or in the evening.

Bridge to Happiness

I find this to be of enormous benefit both physically and mentally.

Physically it means that my body maintains a similar level of activity to the past. This means I can maintain a similar level of cake intake as before! It also means that I am able to just about keep up with my kids and their activities.

Perhaps more importantly, it also means that I get to clear my head of the daily stresses. I get to enjoy the beauty of the landscape around me and spend time with the dawning of a new day. This is vitally important for those times when I might not be in the office for weeks or even months in a row. Although I love being at home and with my family, it is not healthy to be confined there 100%.

Happiness is: N+1

(The correct number of bikes to own is N+1, where N is the current number of bikes you own)

New and shiny things make most of us happy and I am no exception to that! Bearing this in mind, it meant I was over the moon to be asked byย Boardman Bikesย if I would like to represent them with some demo bikes on my “commuting” rides. An amazing honour and privilege so I didn’t hesitate to say yes!

Here’s a wee sneak peak:

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